Ashley and Brad were married on April 5, in a beautiful ceremony surrounded by friends and family. While rain threatened via weatherman not a cloud was seen in the sky that day.
I talked with Ashley a week before the big day and asked her a few pre-wedding questions.
Vicky: With less than a week left to go what is still on your to do list?
Ashley: What is left to do, let’s see. I have to finish the seating chart (almost done) and then the table cards. They have to be delivered to the reception site on Thursday. I have to finish putting the final touches on the out of town bags (just need to pick 2 things up at mom’s house to stuff in the bags and write my note cards). Deliver the stuff to the reception site. That all needs to be packed into boxes. They are currently in 3 tubs in the basement. Instructions will come with everything that has to be delivered. If your curious that includes: Cake Topper, Cake Cutting Set, Table Numbers & Holders, Favors, Signature Platter and Pens, Table Cards, Seating Arrangement, Wedding Wishes Vase + Paper + Pens, Cameras, Basket for Cards, Basket for Cameras (once used), Vases for head table, Glasses to be used by Bridal Party, Engagement Photo (ooh need frame), Music list and instructions (just to have a second copy just in case)
4) Pack items to take to church (Dress, Underthings, Shoes - both pairs, Makeup, Jewelry, Wrap, Emergency Kit, Programs (have to print), Directions (have to go to Kinkos), Reading book) Whew!
I still need to make signs for reception area. The balloons to be picked up by dad on Saturday and I need to give him the receipt and his instructions. Pack, which requires doing laundry, for the honeymoon. Also requires batteries for camera & camcorder (ooh need bigger memory card)Brad is handling the rehearsal dinner errands on Friday. He is also picking up my ring, which will go in the strong box next to his tonight, well after I ogled it some more. Then, clean for house guests, practice dancing again, we practiced last night and got most of it down but the ending throws Brad off. Create instructions for parents regarding the dog, cat, fish and plants for while we are gone. Lastly, survive two more days at work, where they haven’t let me off the hook work wise.
I feel like I’m missing something on this list....
Vicky: Missing something? I hope not, that is a lot to do! Are you having anymore nightmares?
Ashley: Nope, no more nightmares, but I have been crashing hard lately so not even sure if I’m dreaming – although last night I dreamt about playing in a giant moon bounce – but that relates to station stuff not wedding stuff.
Vicky: You already answered this but, have you packed for your honeymoon?
Ashley: Nope haven’t packed yet. I’ve got a mental list going on. I will probably bring the suitcases upstairs tonight and begin my staging of clothes. I learn this habit from my mom. I put all the things I want to take in the suitcase (no particular order and certainly not packed) that way I know what I need to grab and what I need to wash. Leaves a messy room but a straight mind for me.
Vicky: That is a great idea. We should do a piece on packing. How are you feeling? Crazed? Excited? nervous?
Ashley: I’m excited. I’m not nervous yet. I’m anxious because I’m at work when I have so many other things I could be doing. I wanted to try and get out early tomorrow but that is looking like a wash. I’m such the planner as you know so with the “event” actually coming up things are speeding up and I get a bit anxious at this point. I’m trying not to get overwhelmed and I think once the stuff goes to the reception site I will be relaxed (since so much has to be delivered).
Vicky: How are you and Brad getting along? Sometimes the pre-wedding jitters and stress gets to couples.
Ashley: Brad and I are great. We are still going on about our daily lives, even took his car to the shop last night and had exciting Subway for dinner before practicing dancing and watching TV, well he watched I did wedding stuff. We are both of the mindset that this is going to happen no matter what and things will go crazy for moments before but not to get too worried. He very rarely worries so I’m trying to feed off him. And truthfully I will never tell anyone if I’m really maxed out or not, it is not my style.
Tune in later for wedding low-down and honeymoon details from Ashley as we wrap up this segment with our featured bride....